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Laura Ayllón


Hellooooo Oregon! My name is Laura Ayllón and I’ve worked as a teacher, director and event producer for the last, almost-20 years. Wow, that makes me sound old but I started young! I have a background in Ballet, Modern and Flamenco, and the most common compliment I get is that I have beautiful lines and my dancing is stunning. Originally I'm a California girl and I’ve spent most of my dance life oscillating between the SF Bay Area and Humboldt County, dancing to live music late at night in tightly packed city restaurants, or on large dusty outdoor stages in the hot sun of the redwoods. Now I reside in Oregon's Willamette Valley with my husband and daughter, and I'm so happy to be teaching classes in Corvallis. I love to build community through dance and I’m excited about all the opportunities the Pacific Northwest has to offer.

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